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Christian .Devoted Homestead Wife. Homeschool Mom. Altruistic. Inquisitive. Empath. Witty. Naturalist.

I’ve always been told that I view the world through rose-colored lenses. I guess that is where my love for photography stemmed from because it is my way of showing others how I see the world.

My favorite things:

1. My Children
Being a wife and a mother was always the sole dream since I was quite young. Our three blessings have been God’s greatest gift and demonstration of His grace in my life.

2. My Adoring Husband
He is my biggest supporter in all my endeavors from being a stay at home mom to finally pursuing something that captures all my life’s passions—photography.

3. Homesteading
A simpler, more intentional, and healthy way of life was always an aspiration of mine but became realty in 2020 when we built our dream home on some land and I have thoroughly enjoyed researching and learning as we go!

Three random but interesting facts about me:


  • I’ve been skydiving

  • I went cliff jumping in Santorini, Greece

  • I used to work shucking oysters for pearls to set in jewelry on Facebook Live and actually made pretty decent money

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